Bangabandhu satellite-1

Md. Sumon
Dec 15, 2020


The Bangabandhu satellite-1 is the first Bangladeshi geostationary communication satellite. Bangladesh was launched its first satellite Bangabandhu-1 into space on 12 May 2018 at 2:14 am. The satellite was manufactured in Thales Alenia Space and launched on 12 May 2018.

That day was very important in our national life. Because on the day Bangladesh will be the 57th country to own a satellite launched in the orbital slot at longitude 119.1 degrees east with 40 Ku-band and C-band transponders with a capacity of 1600 megahertz and predicted life span to exceed 15 years.

The satellite will expand Ku-band coverage owner all of Bangladesh and its nearby water including the day Bay of Bengal. The total cost of the satellite was projected to be 248 million US dollars in 2015.

Full story- click here



Md. Sumon

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